In the Game: Ego Vs. Your Soul - Who Wins?

One of my favorite Native American legends that was told by the Sioux tribe - “In ancient times The Creator gathered all of Creation as he was in the midst of making the humans and said “I want to hide something for the humans until they are ready for it.” It is the realization that, as a part of me, they create their own reality.” Many creatures suggested places to hide this knowledge, but none of them were really satisfactory, as humans would use their superior brains and finally explore them. Finally grandmother mole, who lives within the heart of Mother Earth and sees with her spiritual eyes rather than her physical eyes spoke up: “Why don’t we hide it inside the heart of the humans? That is the last place they will look for it.” The Creator laughed, and replied in an instant: “It is done.”
How do you connect with your heart? With your inner guide?
When you get time alone what do you fill it with? Do you have time set aside to just be? I invite you to plan time with yourself to just be. Go for a walk with no exercise in mind. Go to the beach. Leave your phone, your kids, the dog at home and just sit there looking at the ocean. Better yet, close your eyes and just be with the ocean, the sand, the breeze, the scent of the salt air. Find time to be with yourself and mother earth in silence. To remember that just being is enough. That you being here is absolutely a miracle. You are a gift. And you don’t have to do anything, be anything or create anything to be worthy. Just being you is enough.
When we give ourselves this time to quiet our minds, we are able to connect with something much deeper, what I like to call the GPS of the soul. And when we connect with the soul there is no better mentor, no better guide, no better influence. Our inner GPS shows us our way. There is a well of wisdom inside your heart just waiting for you to find it. So be still. Be quiet. Be alone.
You will find that the truth is we ARE enough, just as we are - imperfectly perfect. When we stop trying to BE for others and realize that we aren’t here to meet anyone else’s expectations or approval we can begin to live a life of authenticity and lean into our love. Embracing our true nature and even loving our very own essence.
When we Invest in our mindfulness - we can begin to Recognize Our out of balance Ego v.s Our Soul
When we are in the midst of crisis how do we find that inner guidance when fear, anger, dread, worry, panic sets in. How do we practice self love then? This takes work. We need to learn some new habits. Have you ever noticed that you have two voices in your head? If you’re saying what little voice, that’s the little voice.
One voice lives in your head (that’s the out of balance ego), and the inner guide lives in your heart, and they debate over which one is right. The out of balance ego speaks from a place of fear, the inner guide speaks from a place of trust. The out of balance ego voice is often loud and very persuasive. Your true knowing voice is patiently reminding you what's in alignment with your truth, as soon as you slow down and listen to your heart. Discerning between these two voices is one of the keys to transformation and living a happy life.
So listen to yourself - Is that voice inside your head giving you a pep talk or is it bringing you down? Is it focused on taking care of you or taking care of everyone else? Is it helping you when you are rushed, stressed, depressed or anxious? Or is it feeding the flames of your out of balance ego?
It’s the out of balance ego that tells you that you blew it, that you’re always late, or that you’re an imposter, that you’re never going to be a good enough parent, child, employee, entrepreneur, investor, boss etc. Or you may be on the other side of the coin and find your out of balance ego telling you that you’re better than this person or that person and find yourself looping thoughts about why THEY (the boss, your family, your friends) are so screwed up! This is also your out of balance ego speaking.
Are you allowing your quieter deeper truth to come through? To hear that deeper voice, the voice of the heart, we need to be silent. We need to be still. Sometimes it helps us to be in nature and be connected to the earth to remind us that we are a part of the larger story of all life. This voice of the heart tells us our hard truths, like I’m not happy. Something’s got to change. And then the ego chimes in with blaming everyone else for your current circumstances. It’s that your co-workers aren’t carrying their own weight, or that you don’t get enough support at home, or that your schedule is too demanding or that Covid is making everything overwhelming.
But your circumstances aren’t what is making you happy or unhappy. The only one making you unhappy is the out of balance ego.
What if instead you listened to your true self. What if you set time aside to listen deeply, and let go of the voice telling you what you don’t want. And instead sat alone on the beach or in the woods and listened even deeper and found out what your heart truly desires. What if you stood up and said it out loud? Making a commitment to follow your soul to wherever it leads you.
Can I share a secret? Your soul is already leading you. There’s no way around it. It’s getting you into all kinds of magic & mischief. Helping you learn the lessons you are here to learn. Helping you resent your teenage kids that never pick up after themselves so you’ll set expectations and so they will be motivated to eventually move out. Guiding you to have that difficult conversation with your siblings about their behavior in front of your kids so you’ll set healthy boundaries. Challenging you to be humble enough to ask for help when your business is struggling to stay afloat. Setting you up to disappoint yourself and your family members when you have one too many drinks. All of it is here by design. And the question is whether you see it. Do you see what your soul is trying to teach you? Are you willing to accept the lessons and grow and evolve in consciousness? Or do you choose to stay where the ego likes to keep you in anger, and in blame?
When the ego is out of balance it rears its ugly head to teach you who you are NOT.
Our souls are teaching us who we really are and what we need to grow.
Whether you listen to your out of balance ego or your heart it's a choice. And that choice is about intention and commitment. To be truly free you have to get close to and get real with your soul. Let it speak to you and through you. The more time you give it the more you will be able to access this clear knowing voice. And when you speak from this place, from the heart - this is when the magic happens. Or more accurately, you can use your voice to make magic happen.